
United Federation of Planets VS Galactic Empire

This particular debate has been going on since the dawn of the Internet. Today I'd like to offer my point of view on this topic. First some rules are needed:

1.NO time travel science for the UFP

2.NO nonsensical data from star wars such as immense firepower or acceleration

If those are settled then we can get to business.


The Empire spans across a significant proportion of the star wars galaxy which is about 100,000(canon)-120,000(legend) light years in diameter with about a million inhabitable systems. The imperial senate consists of at least 4000 senators with a rough maximum of 5000 during the imperial era. The population of the Empire can easily reach 50 trillion. 

The UFP controls about a quarter of the galaxy spreading across 8,000 light years with about 150 member worlds. It contains about a thousand inhabited systems with a total population of about a trillion(about the same as the population of Coruscant).

Winner: Galactic Empire



The Empire can travel across the galaxy in days shown in both canon and legend while Star Trek ships require years to crawl across a quadrant of the galaxy.This means that if the Empire invades the UFP then it can jump out of hyperspace, destroyer a target, have a cup of coffee while the navicomputer calculates its next destination and jump back into hyperspace while the federation is still trying to warp toward the place.


Federation ships are shown to accelerate and travel at speed much faster than any imperial ships. Although some star wars sources suggest ship accelerations of 2300G for star destroyers this is clearly untrue as we've never seen any star destroyer travelling at that speed.If somehow UFP ships caught up with the imperials the star destroyers will have a hard time dealing with UFP ships that can literally run circles around them.

Winner:No winner. The Empire may have superior FTL technology but the Federation is much better at STL maneuvering.



The Empire has way more troops than the federation. There could be tens of billions of stormtroopers alone(not to mention other types of troopers) stationed across the Empire, the red shirts will pale in comparison to that. If you take out the numerical advantage from the empire then you've got a pretty equal match. 

Stormtroopers are a group of elite soldiers that are deployed by the Empire to do the dirty fighting and crush any resistance.They are totally obedient and are trained to fight regardless of their lives. Their greatest weakness is their unstable performance. On one hand they were said to be the best and most feared soldiers in the galaxy;on the other hand they were unable to aim properly or to kill a small band of rebels(as shown in ANH,TESB and ROTJ)and are being slaughtered by intelligent teddy bears on the Endor moon. 

Red shirts are pretty much the same thing.They are deployed from star ships and often die in large numbers just to show how great the enemy is or how good the main characters are.Some UFP soldiers are actually very skilled in combat techniques, this is also true for certain imperials such as the 501st legion.

Winner:Empire(due to size)but if its a 1v1 situation then its a tie.


The UFP utilizes ground forces equipped with all sorts of phasers, photon grenades and also ground vehicles to an extent. Star Trek battles don't usually have their major battles on planet surfaces but rather in space so we don't know if there are more weaponry.It should be noted that UFP soldiers are actually very good as shown in certain ground scenes.

The Empire,on the other hand,possesses an incredible variety of ground vehicles from repulsorlift tanks to different kinds of walkers.The most known ones are the AT-ATs and AT-STs. They all have powerful laser canons and/or blasters and heavy armor plates(although AT-STs have questionable armors as seen in ROTJ).The Imperial Army possesses different kinds of ground troops that can fight in almost every environment which means that they will gain the upper hand if battling UFP ground forces in extreme environments thanks to the variety of equipment gears. 

Winner: Empire.The UFP would lose almost every ground battle against the Empire.


The Empire is said to have millions of star ships in which there are 25,000 imperial class star destroyers, dozens of dreadnoughts and possibly hundreds of millions of fighters(Which some are stupidly designed and unshielded).The Empire also possesses several battle stations(In ANH, han commented on the death star as being too big for a battle station which implies that there are other battle stations).There are known to be navys station across the Empire for repair and refueling.The Empire also had three world crafts under construction orbiting Coruscant.
The UFP star ships range in the thousands with BIG fighters. They too have space stations and artificial worlds as shown in Star Trek:Beyond.

Winner:Empire. Break down the Death Star and the Empire could have way more star destroyers.

Until now we can see that the UFP is vastly outnumbered by the Empire.Can the UFP turn the tides over against the Empire? This is only the first post,the second post will continue to compare and the last will be an analysis of which side will win if a war broke out.



星战中的银河帝国建造过很多武器, 其中有一些十分强大的被称为超级武器。下面就让我们来看一看这些超级武器的综合实力并为他们排名次吧。排名指数中10分为满分。


No.1恒星粉碎者 (Sun Crusher)

  这艘长度仅为13.5米的六人小型飞船是银河帝国建造的最强大的超级武器。其拥有最强大的量子结晶护甲(Quantum-crystalline)和足以引发超新星爆炸的共振鱼雷(Resonance Torpedo)这使其拥有以六人之力摧毁整片星系的能力。恒星粉碎者也拥有五门激光炮用以自卫
  • 火力:10分。引发超新星爆炸并摧毁整片星系并可产生连锁反应进而摧毁临近星系
  • 护甲/护盾:10分。小说中曾撞穿一艘歼星舰的舰桥和抵挡弹射过来的样板死星激光并毫发无伤(有薄弱部位),无护盾
  • 速度/引擎:9.5分。 大气层内速度为1300公里/小时,比TIE战机快,并拥有反侦察的超空间引擎。超空间速度不详,推测应于千年隼号相似
  • 自持力:8.5分。4天对于这种快速打击类的飞船来说足够了


No.2弑星者基地(Star Killer Base)

  出现在星球大战7里的死星版本3.0的弑星者基地是影片中一个非常大的亮点。这是一座由一颗冰冷行星改造而来的武器平台,装备有一门超级巨炮。该炮可以发射由暗能量(Dark Energy)转变成的幻影能量(Phantom energy)能量束。该能量束可撕开超空间裂缝并进入子超空间(Sub-hyperspace)进而以完美的直线轨迹瞬间击中并摧毁目标行星。弑星者基地以整颗恒星为能源并可在30分钟内将一整颗恒星吞噬并将能量储存在星球中心。星球表面上装备有数量众多的防空炮和其他武器并可停靠星舰。其只能让正以超光速行驶的飞船突破。
  该武器隶属于银河帝国继承国第一秩序(First Order),由赫克斯将军指挥。
  • 火力:9.5分。一发摧毁数颗行星并可引发红巨星
  • 护甲/护盾:10分。无护甲。护盾可抵挡几乎任何形式的轰炸并只允许超光速物体通过
  • 速度/引擎:6分。没有数据但肯定比一般星球的运行速度快所以给这分
  • 自持力:10分。不解释


No.3第二死星(Second Death Star)

  作为第一死星的改进版,第二死星的直径扩大至160公里并修正了第一死星的弱点。若建造完成该空间站将装备768台牵引光束发生器,7500门激光炮,5000门离子炮,15000门重型涡轮激光炮和15000门标准涡轮激光炮与数量众多的TIE战机。不同于其前身,第二死星拥有一门可摧毁行星或飞船级别目标的超级激光。该基地拥有从恩多卫星上发射的护盾,据阿克巴上将(Admiral Ackbar) 所说需要先破坏其生成器才能驾驶飞船进入。大型散热管被改成毫米级的小型散热管。恩多战役时被帕尔帕廷皇帝用于引诱义军进入他所设下的致命圈套,义军果真上当并被帝国歼星舰战斗群保卫。皇帝下令死星超级激光开火并摧毁数艘义军大型舰船,后来死星护盾生成器被汉.索罗摧毁。阿克巴上将随即下令战斗机群进攻死星反应堆并最终摧毁了反应堆并顺利逃出。
  • 火力:9分。可一击摧毁一颗行星或任何大小的舰船
  • 护甲/护盾:10分。护盾应与弑星者基地相似,强力护甲
  • 速度/引擎:8分。从各种资料来看第一死星拥有在数小时之内穿越数千光年从奥德兰(Alderlaan)到雅汶四号(Fourth moon of Yavin)的速度,第二死星应有相似速度
  • 自持力:10分。


No.4塔金空间站(Tarkin Space Station)

  • 火力;9分。同死星
  • 护甲/护盾;9分。护盾护甲强度不明但推测肯定很强
  • 速度/引擎:7.5分。官方资料显示超空间引擎等级为4.0
  • 自持力:8-9分。


第一死星(First Death Star)

  银河帝国超级武器系列的开头片。第一死星是一个直径120公里的轨道战斗空间站。装备有15000门各类涡轮激光炮,768台牵引光束发生器与数以万计的战争武器。该太空站最大的特点是装备有一门足以一击摧毁一整颗行星的超级激光,该武器的能量由死星内部的超物质反应堆供应。长376公里的堑壕将死星分作南,北两半球。其着陆坪,引擎等设备均在此壕内。指挥中心设在超级激光顶缘上方。主要指挥官为高级星区总督威尔霍夫.塔金(Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin)。
  • 火力:9分。
  • 护甲/护盾:7.5-8.5分。有可驶入的护盾与强力护甲
  • 速度/引擎:8分。与第二死星类似
  • 自持力:10分。同第死四星


No.6.银河之枪(Galaxy Gun)

  银河之枪是银河帝国建造的长7250米的超级武器。拥有超远距离精确打击的能力。其能力主要来自其发射的粒子粉碎弹头(Particle disintegration warhead)。该弹头在被发射后会以超光速运行并可打击数千光年之外的目标。弹头可摧毁从小型城市到整颗行星的目标,这取决于弹头的能量设定。为防止在运行中途被拦截每个弹头都装备有防御激光炮,厚装甲和能量护盾。银河之枪本身也拥有防御激光炮和超空间引擎(速度极慢)。
  在顺利摧毁数个新共和国军事目标后于Onderon战役时被R2-D2所操控的日蚀二号撞击并摧毁。不幸的是在被摧毁时银河之枪误射出了一发弹头并摧毁了黑暗帝国(Dark Empire)的大本营-比斯星(Byss)。
  • 火力:9分。同死星
  • 护甲/护盾:7-7.5分。无护盾。护甲方面从小说中可看出银河之枪被日蚀二号撞成两半而日蚀二号则并没有受到多大伤害 
  • 速度/引擎:6.5分。星战官方资料显示其超空间等级为6.0......(比斯到科洛桑(Coruscant)=黄花菜都凉了)
  • 自持力:7分。


No.7.日蚀级歼星舰(Eclipse-Class Star Destroyer)  

  日蚀一号在Da Soocha战役与帕帝的克隆体一同被毁。当时帕帝为摧毁新共和国舰队使用西斯秘术原力风暴(Force Storm)但被卢克和莉亚公主联合干扰进而失去对其的控制导致日蚀一号被卷入风暴并毁灭。
  • 火力:8分。一发摧毁行星地表或完全摧毁任何小于行星大小的物体
  • 护甲/护盾:8.5分。可随意撞击其他战舰
  • 速度/引擎:8.5分。超空间等级为2
  • 自持力:8.5分。十年


No.8.世界破坏者(World Devastator)

  • 火力:7。撕裂星球地表
  • 护甲/护盾:7.5分。还算可以
  • 速度/引擎:6分。同银河之枪
  • 自持力:9分。


NO.9.征服者级歼星舰(Conqueror-Class Star Destroyer)

  这是帝国建造的一艘由帝王级歼星舰改造而来的歼星舰。装备有一门死光,可轰裂一颗卫星或炸毁大陆。该死光据称拥有与死星超级激光一样的威力但这是不可能的,死星的死光炮占了多大的空间,这个死光炮都没一艘歼星舰大。指挥官为Victor Strang上将。
  该舰完成后不久在穆斯塔法尔(Mustatfar)星上被反叛军摧毁。当时位于舰上的达斯维德与Victor Strang上将顺利逃脱。
  • 火力:7.5分。介于日蚀级与世界破坏者之间
  • 护甲/护盾:6分。同普通帝王级歼星舰
  • 速度/引擎:8.5分。超空间等级2.0
  • 自持力:7.5分。六年
